Mom, You're an Angel . Not everyone believes in angels, but I do - . I have one of my very own, and I call her "Mom." . You've always been there for me in so many loving ways that sometimes I really do feel as if I have my own personal angel, You've shared my hopes and dreams, and taught me how to believe in myself so that one day I could spread my own wings and fly. . So much of who I am is because of the special woman you are. . That's why, on Mother's Day and always, I'm so thankful that my angel Mom is you. . . The flowers aren't from me, but from my cousin Judy. Her Mom passed away 4 years ago and has called my mom her's ever since. Labels: Other |
That is so awesome my friend! i know how hard it is to miss your mom. I lost mine when I was 9 years old.