Week 9 and Chief Red Cloud wasn't worked on much this week. I did manage to do a little on it but not the normal amount I had been. That's ok as sometimes working on a large project you just need to get away from it for a short break and that way you will appreciate it more when you return to it. I will start back on it tonight and guess who bought some Q-snaps yesterday. I am so anxious to give them a try that I already loaded the fabric in it. I bought the 11 x 17 q-snaps as Hobby Lobby only had the two sizes 11x17 and 17x17 didn't think I would need the larger ones but now wish they had the smaller ones. Speaking of Hobby Lobby I am so disappointed with them as they didn't have much Cross Stitching supplies like they use too and they even put part of the aisle in knitting supplies and crocheting supplies. I can't do them and don't know who does. I did get to see the DMC specialty floss but at a $1.99 a skein I had to pass on that unfortunately, but looking at it was exciting. YAY!!!! Labels: cross stitch |
Like the WIP and thanks for the comment you left me. I will be checking out that group. You will like the Q-snaps but you might wanna get some felt. Cut it into 4 strips and place a strip under each snap on thinggy. This will prevent your fabric from slipping.