Monday, December 04, 2006 |
My "L" List |
Saw this on Around Barb's Bend blog, and told her I wanted to play too! She assigned me the letter 'L'.
Here's the 'blurb' and my list:
Comment to this message and I will assign you a letter of the alphabet. Then go to your blog and post a list of 10 words that begin with this letter and what they mean to you.
1. Love - one can never get too much love.
2. Late - I am never late for my appointments or anything else, although some people which will remain nameless thinks I will be, but I never am.
3. Land - I use to want to own a bunch of land and build a home right in the middle of it, but I too much of a city person now.
4. Large Heart - I wear my large heart on my sleeve!
5. Lazy - Nope I don't have that, I am eager and willing to work, learn new things and new ideas.
6. Laugh - Laughing is fantastic, it just makes me happy.
7. Leather - Ok the secret is out, I love smelling leather. BUT dislike how leather comes to be! Some poor animal has to lose it's life, so it isn't worth it.
8. Leash - Does my dogs know the meaning of this word. You say leash and they are so ready to go outside.
9. Lean - Maybe someday!
10. Lobster - OH MY with a little butter, do I need to say more? |
posted by Greg @ 2:37 PM  |