Friday, September 28, 2007 |
Chief Red Cloud 9-28-07 |
Week 21 and not exactly a lot of stitching this week, but I did at least get some work in on Chief Red Cloud. YAY!!! Also got started on Rejoice Always, not much but at least it's a start. . Went into Wal-Marts on Wednesday and went to the Craft Dept. I had heard through some of the yahoo groups that I belong too that the floss was on sale for 10 cents a skein and sure enough it was at mine too. It had already been picked over so most of the colors were gone. I managed to get 219 skeins of what was left, that's duplicate colors and sometimes 3 or 4 of the same colors. Thought I could just hold it back until I needed it. Sadly the sales lady said that Wal-Marts is doing away with the entire Craft Dept. including the fabric too, and she proceeded to tell us to keep our eyes open for the sales. . It's really sad that Wal-Marts is doing this as we are a small town and now there is no place locally that sells floss. I will have to drive to the next town over which is 35 miles away or order it online, either way I will be losing cause I would have to pay gas one way or postage the other way, so it's really got me in a jam. I am sure that I am not the only one. Thanks MR. BIG BUSINESS!! Labels: cross stitch |
posted by Greg @ 4:30 PM |
Saturday, September 22, 2007 |
Chief Red Cloud 9-21-07 |
Week 20 and I am over the HALF WAY MARK! Yippeeeee, YAY!!!! WOO HOO!!! I am doing the Happy Dance. lol I have done two other Indian designs the exact same size as this one and they took 5 months to complete, I am beginning to think this one is going to take longer. lol Actually I stitched on them about 8 hours a day but now I am only stitching 2 to 3 hours a day, guess I am getting slower in my old age. Oh well when it get's done it get's done. . I am thinking about doing another project and work on it during the day only and the Chief at night in my normal time slot. I have it already just need that little push to start it. The design is Rejoice Always. Labels: cross stitch |
posted by Greg @ 7:15 PM |
Friday, September 14, 2007 |
Chief Red Cloud 9-14-07 |
Week 19 update! I think I jinxed myself as you can see I did not get it finished this week. :( But I have it so close I know it will be finished by next Friday. Also I will be working on page 3 this coming week. YAY!!!! It's amazing how it's coming together, if you look in my online photo album under WIP you can see my progress from week 10 to the current date. .
The small photo to the right shows you how much I have left on page 2. Not much there to do, just the border and some white on white again, but I think this is the last of white on white for a while, or at least I am hoping. Wish me luck this week to start on page 3 this week. YAY!!! . On the none stitching news front, I went to the Surgeon Monday and I am 25 pounds over where he wants me. GRRRR I had gained 45 pounds of the 53 pounds I lost, it's all due to those horrible steroids I had to take for the rash. Guess what I still have the rash. Go figure! The surgeon laughed and said "What was my family Dr. trying to do Sabotage us." Anyway he said it was too dangerous being above a certain level and lose the 25 pounds and I can have the surgery. So he put me on a liquid diet. It isn't bad and I can eat some too. I have a liquid meal replacement called HMR, the chocolate is yummy almost taste like a chocolate milk shake, the vanilla isn't as good, but if I put some extra vanilla flavoring in it and a dash of peanut butter it is pretty good then. Oh it's ok for the peanut butter cause it is protein. Here's my new eating schedule. It's a 1200 daily calorie intake. . Breakfast: 1 HMR shake mid morning snack: 1 HMR shake, medium apple Lunch: 1 HMR shake, small salad with 2 tbsp of low fat dressing mid afternoon snack: 1 HMR shake Dinner: Healthy Choice dinner (or Weight Watchers meal etc...) under 300 calories evening snack: 1 HMR shake . 4 days on the plan and I have lost weight, YAY!!!! . "Nothing taste as good as thin feels!" . Hope you have a very Happy Stitching week.Labels: cross stitch |
posted by Greg @ 7:19 PM |
Thursday, September 13, 2007 |
Birthday Wishes |
Happy Birthday Barb over at Around Barb's Bend, she turned 60 years young today. She does a lot of wonderful Charity Stitching and has piece's sent all over the world to be made into quilts bringing smiles and cheerfulness to those in need. I do hope you have a wonderful Birthday and many, many, many more. Everyone go over there and wish her a happy birthday! Labels: Other |
posted by Greg @ 4:12 PM |
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 |
Weird, but interesting! |
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!Labels: fun |
posted by Greg @ 2:52 PM |
Friday, September 07, 2007 |
Chief Red Cloud 9-07-07 |
Week 18 and what a long 18 weeks it has been too. I only have about a fourth left and I will be finished with half of the Chief. YAY!!! I can't wait either. Do you think I can do it this week? I hope so as I really want to go on and do other projects. I didn't stitch Monday night as I was down in the back all week from mopping the floors. My back is doing great now so maybe I can stitch up a storm. . Mom got her stitches out from where Peajib bit her. YAY!! Peajib is out of quarantine and was checked out by her Vet which cost me $30 more. grrrr But she has to charge as it is her business and State Law that she check the dogs out. So while Peajib was there she got her nails clipped and her gland pushed, a good bill of health. The little stinker even kissed Dr. Cindy. lol Labels: cross stitch |
posted by Greg @ 7:51 PM |